
In our clients’ words …


Aspire has just announced its 2016 The Daring Way™ Residential Workshop dates! We are excited about leading another daring group of men and women toward more wholeheartedness, creativity, and love in their lives. It’s hard to put into words the power of these workshops, so we asked our past Daring Way™ workshop participants about their experience. Here [...]

In our clients’ words …2017-07-12T11:58:56-04:00

Me too! (The Power of Connection)


by Allison Grubbs, LCSW, LCAS, CDWF-Candidate “Me too.” Two of the most powerful words we can hear. You know the experience of sharing an “I thought it was just me” moment or thought… then the other person says, “yeah, me too!” It’s a feeling of relief — that someone gets it, that you’re not alone, that [...]

Me too! (The Power of Connection)2017-07-12T12:18:09-04:00


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