In our clients’ words …

In our clients’ words …

Aspire has just announced its 2016 The Daring Way™ Residential Workshop dates! We are excited about leading another daring group of men and women toward more wholeheartedness, creativity, and love in their lives.

It’s hard to put into words the power of these workshops, so we asked our past Daring Way™ workshop participants about their experience. Here is what a couple of them had to offer.

A Connection with Others

I decided to participate in The Daring Way™ retreat because I had just read Daring Greatly and wanted to connect with others who had read it so we could talk about it. The retreat had a strong sense of sisterhood, and I found it reassuring there was a group of women dedicated to interacting in the world from a positive place.

From the retreat, I gained a great group of friends. I also lost the belief that my worthiness needed to be earned rather than it being inherent. That was a huge paradigm shift for me.

The workshop taught me and reminds me that my worthiness is never on the table, and that really brings me peace. It is a mantra I use whenever I start to feel stressed or anxious. Things don’t seem so life or death when they aren’t determining your worthiness.

Melissa C

Seeking Redemption, Finding Vulnerability

In Brene’ Brown’s new book, Rising Strong, she talks about how as a culture we like “redemption” stories, but they tend to gloss over the hard work and pain that go before it. Going to The Daring Way retreat, I had a secret hope of experiencing a redemption of sorts. You see, I had a few months earlier separated from my wife, and I wanted this retreat to get my emotional health back on the right track.

It doesn’t work like that. It did give me the opportunity to share in a safe place how I felt and what I was struggling with. It was supportive to hear from all the other participants who have dealt with divorce and separation. Unfortunately there are no big shortcuts to emotional or relationship health. Although I will say the retreat was a little like taking an elevator up a few floors in a tall building, but you still have to walk up the rest.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the discussions was that I was the only male in the group of about 12 women. I didn’t mind that and was warmly welcomed by the group. It felt a little strange being the sole male perspective, but it worked out well. I do hope that more men will feel drawn to participate.

In the program I had to push myself to do some things that were out of my comfort zone (I won’t spoil things by saying what they are because I think it would take away from the retreat). As I got more into the program, I realized everyone there was out of their comfort zone in some way. The end result was feeling more empowered and supported. I made some friends, one in particular, who has meant a lot to me. The difficulty of keeping the closeness going after the weekend is my only regret.

I did get back together with my wife several months later. I have made an effort to use these strategies in my personal life, and even though things are greatly improved it is still a daily challenge for me to follow the vulnerability ideals. Things do not become magically better. It is hard being in the arena. It is worth it.

David Z.


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